Thursday, January 4, 2018

FANTASY MAPS by Eric Whollem/ An Album of Maps/ CINDERELLA STAMPS/ West Merreminde Postal Union Map Stamp

postal union issue
Eric Whollem
laser edition
copyright by the artist


West Merreminde is found along the Barbaru coastal region of southeastern Amphora.  For a time, during the war with the Digby Brother's pirate empire, the area was united under the umbrella of the Kingdom of Merreminde, who only desired to restore stability.

Today numerous independent states, empires, enclaves,  kingdoms and colonial territories are found on the map of the West Merreminde.


Below is a link to a cartographic album showing a broad range of maps of imaginary continents and islands. most of these were created from the year 2000 onward....but as a child I created many fantasy maps for 'Animalland,'  and various empires, now lost.

Atlantis, Lemuria, Gondwanaland and other lost islands relating to Atlantean legends, such as Scheria and Ogygia, etc. have been given my own interpretations. A prominent continent, the Continent of Amphora, the 'Continent of the Future', is the theme of many of my postal fantasies. But also the Continent of Eronyk featuring Ebberwonia and Urissakzillia, etc. has been a favorite region for interpretation.

I also have developed interplanetary colonies and countries....The Republic of the Moon, Syzygium, Triton Station, the Gondwilli, Pluto StationWorm World and Titania.

Among my interdimensional fantasies are Venus Colony in Inner Earth, which however is such an amorphous region, that mapping it has proven futile. LOL

by Eric Whollem

This link to Google Photos will display an album
of fantasy maps made by the artist over
the years.

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