Sunday, July 4, 2010

CANTHARIDIAN ARTIST STAMPS/ The Selkie/ CYBERSTAMPS/ A block of four mermaid faux postage stamps from the micronation of Cantharidia/ DIGITAL ART BY ERIC WHOLLEM/ Clean Water for the Planet

The Selkie
Cantharidian Royal Post Office
by Eric Whollem
Copyright by the artist

Selkie Stamps From Cinderella Printing House, Ltd., Based in the Micronation of Cantharidia

These stamps are from a sheet of sixteen stamps issued by the
Cantharidian Royal Post Office. Cantharidia is a micronation, or
fantasy country, whose postage stamps are dedicated to environmental
issues of importance to selkies and marine animals.

Artist stamps, artistamps, fantasy stamps, faux postage, cinderella stamps, mail art, micronation stamps; digital art; mermaid art; selkies.