Monday, August 22, 2011

'Angelica Sea Salt POSTER STAMPS by Eric Whollem'/ A digital mermaid art video/ CINDERELLA STAMPS/ Virtual Stamps by Eric Whollem

Angelica Sea Salt Poster Stamp
by Eric Whollem
a virtual stamp

Virtual Fantasy Poster Stamps

Cinderella stamps include numerous genres of stamps. A
cinderella stamp is, of course, any non-postage stamp.

Poster stamps are stamps that advertize products or events.
The period of classsical poster stamps was the 19th and
early 20th century.

'The Sea Mirror'
Angelica Sea Salt Poster Stamp
by Eric Whollem
a virtual stamp

The stamps in this blog post are fantasy or faux poster stamps
that I created for my mermaid micronation of Undinia.

Angelica Sea Salt Poster Stamp
by Eric Whollem
a virtual stamp

In addition, these stamps are virtual stamps, or stamps that exist
only as computer files. Some refer to this type of stamp as a cyberstamp.

Angelica Sea Salt Poster Stamp
by Eric Whollem
a virtual stamp


See my posts about POSTER STAMPS on this link:

See more about UNDINIAN STAMPS on these posts:

See my complete collection of recent Undinian mermaid poster stamps on this video:

                                                                                                                                                  'Angelica Sea Salt POSTER STAMPS'
