Friday, April 2, 2010

MAGICAL JOURNEY/ mermaid collage art by Eric Whollem/ Whimsical Figurative Art/ THE MERMAID QUEEN SAILS AGAIN

                                        Magical Journey
                                        by Eric Whollem
                                        ink and cut paper collage
                                        Collection of the artist.
                                                                Copyright by the artist

The Boat of the Mermaid

The dragon boat is the chosen vessel of the Sea Queen.
She travels with the seabirds, who never cease attending to
her needs. The red fish is worn in the coiffure of the Queen.

Magical Journey Stamp from Merreminde
by Eric Whollem
India ink, paper, word processor digital borders on colored paper stock


THIS COLLAGE shows the progress of the Magical Journey
into the realm of art.

This piece is a work in progress for a faux postage stamp from

More stamps from MERREMINDE can be seen on the link below:


Stamps from MERREMINDE are on these posts on Art Blog/Eric Whollem

Readers interested in viewing more of my Mermaid Art should view this link:

My GALLERY of Fairy Art can be found here:

I have created many fantasy mermaid stamps from mermaid nations; those interested in my Mermaid Stamps should check out:

My stamps from Undinia show many mermaids:

Other mermaid stamps can be found on my complete GALLERY OF Cinderella Stamps:


Mermaid Art.
Collage art.


TOUCHING THE BROW OF NEPTUNE/ a digital graphic depicting a mermaid and merman


                                                     Touching the Brow of Neptune
                                                     by Eric Whollem
                                                     digital art
                                                       Copyright by the artist.

The Seamaids and Mermen

Hindu and Buddhist divinities are often depicted with
blue skin. Asiatic religious iconography would not be
complete without it's waterlotuses. The Pushpaka, or
lotus seat, is the lotus from which many a god or goddess
is said to have been born.

The crown chakra, said to be the highest spiritual center,
is called Sahasrara. Sahasrara is the thousand petalled

The mermaid in the art above is opening the crown chakra
of the merman, awakening his spiritual powers.

The Mergods and Mergoddesses

Are mermaids and mermen gods or goddesses? The
lore of the ancient world is filled with stories of oceanic
or freshwater divinities.

In Greece, for example, the divinities are all said to be
the children of Oceanos, the Ocean.

The Incas were said to be among the Foam-Born,
the Viracochas, said to be dolphin spirits born of Lake
Titicaca, a lake that though high in the Andes, still has
salt water and seahorses like the sea.

King Ler, the Sea King, was chief of old Irish Gods.
Queen Aebh, pronounced "eev," was his bride.

The Rainbow Serpent, Aquatic God of the Salt Sea

The Australian Aborigines worship the Rainbow Snake as
Kunmanngur. The sound of the djeridu is the sound of the
ocean waves, crashing on the shore. His male children were
made stones and set near springs inland, while the daughters
of Rainbow Serpent remain in the salt sea. Such spirits are
called Ngarit-Ngarit, recalling the Nagas, or seaserpent
demigods of India. Fish and seaweed are created by the

The inland Aborigines place the Rainbow Snake at pools
in the desert, and symbolize him as a spiral.

Marija Gimbutas speaks of the spiral as an ancient symbol
of water in Eastern Europe. The association is to water


Readers interested in more of my posts on Mermaids should see:

I have a large number of posts on Fairies for those interested:

Those whose interest is Mythology might enjoy:

My complete online GALLERY of figurative and geometric Abstract Art can be found here:

My posts on Aborigines can be found on this link:

If interested in the subject of Goddesses see:

Mythology, anthropology, aborigines, visionary art, abstract art.