Mermaid Goddess
1999by Eric Whollem
oxides on white clay
Collection of the artist
11 1/4"
Photo copyright by the artist
A Kore of the Sea
This sculpture incorporates bas relief images of
seahorses and dolphins. Many ancient Goddesses
were mermaids: Atargatis, Amphitrite, Derceto,
etc. Many Goddesses have been associated with the
dolphins. Demeter, the Great Mother, was such a
dolphin Goddess. Amphitrite, a wife of Poseidon,
whose name translates as Triton of the Waters, was
a dolphin mermaid.
Though it is little recognized, Persephone may have
been a mermaid. Persephone, from the Eleusinian
mysteries, was depicted fish-tailed in a sculpture
left by Greek Colonists on the coast of Southern Italy.
Barbara Vivino related this story to me, having seen
Thus we can interpret the "Descent of Persphone"
into the Abysos, as the descent of Persephone in her
mermaid form. Thus is explained the watery element
of the River Styx, the subterranean river: it was the
vehicle of the soul of Persephone, the Initiate.