Thursday, August 26, 2010

PORTAL OF THE SEAKY/ A strip of three cyberstamps demonstrating digital serial art techniques/ MERMAID FAUX POSTAGE STAMPS/ Cinderella artist stamps from the micronation of Amphora

Portal of the Seasky
by Eric Whollem
copyright by the artist

Saturation Varieties in the Digital Medium

These artist stamps demonstrate the wide variations possible in
digital art. They are examples of 'digital serial art.' My faux postage
stamp art provides a good focus for this sort of artistic pursuit.


See more of my serial art images on this link:

Artist stamps, artistamps, cinderella stamps, cyberstamps, fantasy stamps, faux postage, mail art, micronation stamps.

PORTAL OF THE SEASKY/ A sheet of nine faux postage stamps from Amphora/ DIGITAL SERIAL ART/ A cyberstamp cinderella edition by Eric Whollem/ MERMAID ART

Portal of the Seasky
by Eric Whollem
copyright by the artist

A Short Overview of the Stamps of Amphora

Amphora is styled as 'The Continent of the Future.'  In the year 2000
I issued various stamp books with stamps from Amphora. One was
entitled 'The Mermaids of Amphora.'  It featured ceramic Goddess
sculptures that I created in the 1990's. This book was followed with
a humorous stamp book showing my ceramic seahorse sculptures.
This latter book was called 'The Seahorses of Amphora.'


The sheet above, entitled 'The Portal of the Seasky,' displays a series
of digital variations on a recent drawing.

'Serial art' is defined as any sort of art, painting, sculpture, or photography,
etc. that renders an image in multiples, usually with color or textural variations.


To view more of my stamps from Amphora see this link:

For more about serial art see:

Artist stamps, artistamps, cinderella stamps, cyberstamps, fantasy stamps, faux postage, mail art, micronation stamps. Mermaid art.