Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Eric Whollem
digital painting
copyright by the artist


It is well known that the 'plastic arts' have nothing to do with that plastic that is a product derived from the refining of oil, used commonly in our culture to wrap vegetables or provide the substance that comprises the body of our automobiles.

'Plastic' as it is used in the arts, refers to that quality of  space and relation of form derived from art materials or shapes that are modified by the artist for an aesthetic end. Sculpture as well as painting are thus parcel of the plastic arts.

However in recent years digital painting has appeared. The cybernetic medium through the various photoshop programs available to the artist, is thus part of the plastic arts. Thus I have coined today the term 'cyberplastic expressionism' to describe a few of the things that many of us do in our digital art.

'Cyber plastic' is a term that refers to a product used in manufacturing vehicles as well as products available in hair styling. These physical products, insofar as they do not exist in cyberspace, do not share the same category as the cyberplastic expressionism to which I refer. 

Of course digital paintings can be transformed into physical objects: laser prints and giclees, etc. But the medium of these final products is not 'cyberplastic' in these cases, but rather made of printing ink and paper.

Cyberplastic expressionism, is that art that creatively treats of space in digital art mediums. Secondarily cyberplastic expressionism concerns itself with the mood or ambience of the works conceived in the digital medium, but only as the quality of shapes and colors affects our mood or stands as a symbol of the artist's creative intent.



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