Friday, August 27, 2010

MYTHOGRAPHIC SCULPTURE/ 'Shrine of the Goddess' by Eric Whollem/ A figurative ceramic sculpture/ Oxides and found earth pigments on white earthenware clay/ The Guardian Dogs of the Goddess

Shrine of the Goddess
by Eric Whollem
found ochre and oxides on white earthenware clay
Photo copyright by the artist


The Role of the Dog as Guardian of the Hearth

In Eastern Europe the old matriarchal cultures were met with
an invasion of raiders from the steppes of Asia. The household
dog arose as a protector of the farms and homesteads. Eisler's
book, 'The Chalice and the Blade,' is famous for presenting this
forgotten part of history.

Thus one sees images of Artemis, the Greek Goddess of the hunt
protected by dogs at her side.

My sculpture celebrates the role of the dog as the Guardian.


Mythographic art, as I conceive it, is art that utilizes the elements
of myth in a creative way. It is a synonym for 'mythopoeia.'


To view more of my Goddess art, see this link:

See also:

For an informative article on Artemis see:

Ceramic sculpture; goddess; mythology; mythopoeia; mythographic art.

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